Thursday, January 05, 2006

Fun with Google

So here are the my needs Google search. How it works: just Google the phrase " needs" and see what randomly comes up! Then follow with "has always" and "bought."

Johanna needs to know the disease may last from 9 months to 24 months
Johanna needs structure
Johanna needs me to wash her face
Johanna needs to talk with Larry and let Chris know what is needed and get thisunder control
Johanna needs to make sure no ordered items are previously claimed, and calculatethe exact shipping
Johanna needs to pay more attention to Elfwood, yes she does
Johanna needs serious help

Johanna has always been "daddy's perfect tough little Marinegirl"
Johanna, a straight-A student, has always worked hard to please her controlling parents
Johanna has always been attracted to traditionalrepresentational and impressionist art
Johanna has always been a very.. provocative styled writer
Johanna has always been a conflicted and uncertain child
Johanna has always had a bright outlook on life and kept her spirits upby continuing to paint horses and dogs in her free time
Johanna has always been into music and dancing
Johanna has always been active in the. professional organizations for Early Childhood professionals

Johanna bought a bag full of lingerie ("It's so cheap over here!")
Johanna bought a house 5 years ago for $310000
Johanna bought the farm from Karl Johan's mother and his siblingson 18 Oct 1845
Johanna bought the same radio for 30% off the regular price
Johanna bought me Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan
Johanna bought Game Boy Advance last year and that was a bit of a disappointment
Johanna bought a Persian Rug
Johanna bought the tickets to the “Guns N’ Roses” performance
JoHanna bought a female
Johanna bought another farm in Nyarp, 1885
Johanna bought a Esprit top


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