Sunday Scribblings #5: Why I Live Where I Live

First, let me say that one of my favorite things about Joy's blog is that she finds all this cool stuff on the internet and saves me sooo much time! I just go there and love everything and drool and then come back all inspired. It's fabulous.

I promise this is a true story. Quite a few years ago, I lived with a wealthy Turkish man. Our life was jet-setting and fabulous and I was very spoiled. Every weekend we had a fun adventure: extravagant shopping on 5th Ave in NYC, VIP lounges at exclusive nightclubs, dinners with various political important people in DC. New cars and trips to Europe every year. Lots of wine. We lived together for five years. Though the relationship had the volatile ups and downs of your typical over-the-top passionate relationship, ultimately I realized that we had very different goals in our lives. I wanted to explore who I was and he wanted to make me who he thought I should be. I wanted to continue our exciting life and he wanted to move to Istanbul. In the condo above his parents. And build a staircase between the two condos. So his non-English-speaking and somewhat over-involved mom could come over. Everyday. To make breakfast. I thought long and hard about giving up financial security and the glam life. And then I gave my mogul an ultimatum: we begin to collaborate on how our life together should be or I will find my own way. His response: this is how I am, take it or leave it. I moved in with a girlfriend. He had a breakdown. We eventually found a way to be friends. My girlfriend got married, leaving me homeless, so I moved back in with my parents while I sorted myself out.

My brother hooked me up with a new job, and we worked together for about a year in Philadephia. Then, he went to a conference in California and told me he was thinking about looking for a job. I told him if he moved, I would move too. Ready for a big change. When he came back from the conference, he'd found a job and announced he would be relocating in 2 weeks. What?? Ok, I took some vacation, we drove across the country together. I saw San Diego for the first time. Not bad. Went home, put my resume on the Internet, found a company willing to hire and me and relocate me, and voila, I live in San Diego.
I met the man-of-my-dreams. Now we live in the town where he grew up. We have a beautiful son. And my life is nothing at all the way I imagined it might be. It's better. And keeps getting better all the time.
ANY story that begins with "I lived with a wealthy Turkish man" is just begging to be read! What a great tale, eloquently told. PLEASE never skip a week of the are a fantastic storyteller (esp when it's true)...I'll be back!!
wow. that is a pretty big turn of events! i'm glad to have found your post. see you next sunday (i'm glad you're happy:-).
Agreed... you are a fabulous storyteller and you obviously have many captivating tales to tell. Keep them coming!
wow. that is quite a story. so interesting and unique. thanks for sharing. i love that we all have our stories!
Yes, please begin every entry with "Once upon a time in the real world past... " Whether true or not, it doesn't matter. Like EVERYONE has said, you are a natural-born storyteller!
GREAT story!!!! Thank-you sooo much for sharing it. I'm actually sitting here feeling a warm glow and feeling proud of you.
OH mY GoD!!!!!
I am trying to come up with a comment that...i don't know...
That is the best true story I've heard...EVER!
You should write a book...
*giggle* I am still so in awe, I can't think of anything witty to add:D
I loved this post--as others have mentioned--you have us at "Quite a few years ago, I lived with a wealthy Turkish man." That you are now finding joy in life as a mother is inspiring to this reader who cannot spin a tale like this one--unless I'm writing fiction!
tag! your it!
Wonderful story! Isn't it wild to think of the paths our lives might have taken? Istanbul is pretty fabulous, but bossy mother-in-law with her own private staircase? Not so much! Glad things worked out for you, and glad you found Sunday Scribblings!
You weren't kidding when you told me you can write. BTW . . .I'll gladly be your editor. I went to school to become an English teacher; Composition and Literature - College Level - to be exact.
that was a great story
with lots of twists and turns...
what a great adventure
and it just keeps going...
I loved this story and am smiling after reading it!
What an amazing lifestory! I'm so glad you decided to join in Sunday Scribblings.
I can't wait to read more of your writing.
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