Cat & I met Claudette (from the justjohanna design team) at CHA around noon. We were late (sorry, Claudette!), having followed my sister-in-law's father's directions to avoid sitting in traffic. What should have been about a 20 to 30 minute drive was an hour. And it took us a few wrong turns to figure out the parking as well.
We hadn't met Claudette before, but I had a picture of her, and thought I could spot her. She told us she was wearing all green. So, while looking for her, we followed a lime-green outfitted woman into the restroom, then stood by the sinks saying, "Claudette, are you in here? Claudeeeeette." We got some funny looks and when we were able to read the woman's badge, it was NOT Claudette.
We walked around a bit more looking for her, and just when we were about to call her husband and tell him we couldn't find her, she showed up, saying, "I think I know you girls." She was wearing a more olive-green. I never would have picked her out, so I'm so happy she found us. Cat was very good about wearing her justjohanna t-shirts every day. I wish I'd thought to bring Scott's, since mine fits me rather like a sausage skin.
We walked around a bit, had lunch together, chattered non-stop, laughed a whole lot. After the show, we had coffee and some decadent desserts at the Sofitel Hotel connected to the convention center. I think we could have stayed there all evening people-watching and finding out all about each other. Apparently, we chose a great place to see and be seen. Rhonna Farrer showed up and was with a big group of people, and that caused quite a stir.
Claudette made this fabulous scrapbook page with all of us. Left to right: Cat, Johanna, Claudette.