Lucky us, we have
The Scrapping Cottage right here in Escondido. Not even 2 miles from my house. And they were having a huge sale today, free make-n-takes, plus they have the new Halloween shapes and are offering a special deal if you buy them all. Who could resist?
I finally got a Fastenator and one of those cute little Heidi Swapp craft irons. I also picked up a few
Quickutz shapes, including the Halloween shapes. Too too too cute.

Lucky for me, Chris and Lora were there, too. Lora was doing make-n-takes and Chris was shopping. They entertained Jake, kept him from running into the street, and fed him lots of brownies - so I could shop. But it was close to nap-time and Jake did more running-through-the-store-bumping-into-people-and-screeching than I generally prefer. Then
Cat showed up and between her and Betty, they managed to ring up my purchase and send me on my way. Chris even took care of my errand to
Cat's (to pick up the latest
justjohanna Design Team entries and assignments) and brought it to my house. How's that for thoughtful and helpful? Thank you!
So, while she was here, I showed Chris the new stamps. Yep, that's what I said. New stamps. I finished them last night.
Debbie kindly pointed out that I'd mispelled "Christmas" as "Chirstmas." Okay, maybe not kindly, but in Debbie's good natured way:
Would you like me to make some Christmas cards, or as you say, "Chirstmas"? And she further emphasized with a sketch including the mispelled sentiment with a big arrow pointing at it and the label "wrong."
So I really couldn't live with that. And decided that I should fix the problem by making a new plate, and since I was making a new plate, I should include some more of the images that I couldn't fit on the recently released plates. And so I did.