Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I Catch Bears!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Mom had planned to pick Tim up at the airport in the morning and then come up to the cabin. They learned too late last night for her to come up then, so she got up really early, and arrived around 8:30 this morning.

Dad made pancakes for breakfast. It rained most of the day. During the breaks in the rain, we played outside. Mom & Jake & I caught fish, while Dad & Scott went to the store and investigated some smallish cabins for sale locally.

I found a very small frog and caught it for Jake to see up close. He was fascinated. I put the tiny frog (maybe he was an inch long) in a small bucket for Jake. He was able to catch the little critter, and we had to remind him a few times that it was ok to touch the frog, but not to squeeze him. I was taking pictures of Jake discovering the frog, and Jake put his face right up to the frog's face and said, "Smile, froggie!" (which came out rather like, "Mile, foggie!")

At one point, Jake tried to go back into the house, claiming that he was scared. When we asked what he was scared of, he shivered, pointed to the woods, and said, “I scared bears.” There weren’t any bears, of course, but my parents have a little bear-crossing sign up that I think came from Alaska, and Jake must have seen it.

When they returned, we headed back to the house, Jake chattering all the way, practicing what he was going to tell Daddy about his day. “I catch bears!” he announced. “Oh yeah, big ones!” We questioned him thoroughly, and he insisted that he did catch bears. When we got back to the house, we urged him to tell his story, but all he said was, “Daddy, I see fish. I throw rocks.” No mention of bears. So we asked him if he caught bears, and he nonchalantly said, “No,” and then went to play with his toys.

We had turkey sandwiches for lunch. We tried unsuccessfully to give Jake a nap. Then Scott & I went out, leaving Jake with my parents and some clay, which apparently entertained him for well over an hour.

We went first to my new favorite antiquing place – Barbara’s Books and Ephemera. I got a Victorian scrapbook for a song, a few postcards, and some other Victoria era ephemera. Scott got an earlier edition of a cabin book that he has at home.

Then we went to Walmart to get another memory card for Scott’s camera (he forgot his card reader), as well as some cardstock for me (I forgot to bring plain cardstock). Then we headed back to Honesdale to the Himalayan Café. An odd combination of urban coffee shop, new age retreat, and hippie open mike night. With bad coffee. Don’t think we’ll be going back there.

On the way back to the cabin, we stopped at Connie White’s house to inquire about the 1949 Dodge car that was for sale in the yard. She was full of all kinds of interesting information both about herself and the car. Her husband had worked as an engineer for IBM for 40 years. Worked his way up from being a janitor. He held 8 patents and loved to tinker with things. They raised 10 kids between them. She was a nurse for 30 years. He died in November. Went to walk the dog, had a heart attack, and never came back. Very sad.


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