Amazing Necklace
And thanks for the extra giggle - because the dictionary page the necklace came wrapped in had "ASS" in big letters across the top of the page. Keep that ego in check at all times.

This week's Sunday Scribblings challenge is to complete the sentence: "The books I would write…"
"The books I would write" sounds overly ambitious to me. But I suppose if I really let my mind go, I think about writing a series of books telling stories about chapters of my life, rather like Maya Angelou. But mostly, when I daydream about writing, it's pretty specific. It's about someday finally finishing the one story I know I want to tell - about a journey to the brink of madness and then a triumphant return to reality. And I dream that the book will be fantastically successful and will be made into a movie. But then I get stuck trying to imagine who would play the various roles… and I hope for obscure but excellent actors. And I dream that the book/movie will generate enough revenue that we can pay off a house.
First paragraph… that's always a tough one, isn't it? I think I'd start with a scene right in the middle of the chaos…
I sat stubbornly on his suitcase in the middle of the living room, fat tears rolling down my cheeks like the tick-tock of a metronome. He sat quietly behind his desk, staring at me, drawing the cigarette smoke deep into his lungs, not caring if he exhaled directly into my face. Aching silence. I thought I could make him stay. First from pity, then from guilt. As I took one sleeping pill after another, the only thing he said was, "Would you like a glass of water?"
What are the sounds in your studio? Sit quietly and listen. I am sure you'll be surprised at what you hear!
My Studio is pretty quiet while I'm working, since mostly have time to myself at night, when the rest of our household is asleep. The main noise is of my pink plastic Ikea chair rolling across the wood floors. And sometimes of my green chair - I think it used to be a doctor's chair or a dentist's chair - we found it at a yard sale for $5. I love it.
And, when the rest of the house is not asleep, this is the main noise that can be heard in my studio, and pretty much throughout the entire house. My son Jakob, who is nearly 22 months old. And loud.